Our Work


Partnering for Progress medical teams travel to Africa biannually to deliver medical and dental care, train health care providers and educate local residents about the importance of good health habits, clean drinking water and proper waste disposal. Our Power of Milk program tracks and treats malnourished infants.


Because primary and secondary school is not without cost in Kenya, millions of children are deprived of education. Working with local educators, Partnering for Progress identifies quality candidates and awards scholarships to enable young people to complete their high school education.

Economic Development

Poverty is the root cause of many health, education, sanitation and clean water challenges. Forty-two percent of Kenyans live in poverty, and in the Kopanga/Giribe area where Partnering for Progress works, the situation is even more desperate with many families subsisting on $1 a day. P4P is working with the community to promote economic progress and help families out of poverty. 

Baby Michael from Kenya
Kenyan Man at water tank
Bursary students
Families Receive Goats With P4P Matching Funds Program


It is impossible to tackle the root causes of many debilitating diseases without sources of clean water. Most rural villages are forced to rely on questionable water supplies. Partnering for Progress helps those communities install or establish cisterns and wells that create sources of safe drinking water.