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Make checks payable to Partnering for Progress and mail to: PO Box 28191, Spokane, WA 99228.
How Your Donation Helps
Rose wants to be a nurse. Daniel wants to be a lawyer. And Ephy wants to be a teacher.
Without help, however, realizing these dreams won’t be easy. Fewer than 50 percent of Kenyan children make it to secondary school. And because Kenyan high school education isn’t free, the inability of their parents to pay school fees, books, uniforms and transportation means that of the kids who get that far, another half will fail to graduate. The dropout rate for girls is even higher, at 60 percent.
You can help improve the odds for students like Rose, Daniel and Ephy. P4P awards secondary school scholarships to 23 children annually in the Kopanga area, where P4P’s efforts are focused. Twenty five have graduated high school thanks to P4P scholarships.
Contributing a minimum of $100 can make all the difference in helping a deserving secondary school student to remain enrolled. A gift of $300 would cover all the annual costs for one high-school student at “day school.” Boarding school, which greatly expands a child’s educational opportunities, plus other expenses, costs $500 for a year.