Fifteen year old Jackeline Vera, is the second born in a family of five. Fortunately, both of her parents are living, but her hopes of joining high school were nearly dashed due to the fact her family cannot afford school …
Fifteen year old Jackeline Vera, is the second born in a family of five. Fortunately, both of her parents are living, but her hopes of joining high school were nearly dashed due to the fact her family cannot afford school …
Brian Davis is 15 years old and is the first born in a family of 5 children. Brian lives with his parents in Giribe, a rural village near the mountains. Like many families in rural Kenya, Brian’s parents depend mostly …
Kennedy Otieno is 15 and is the 4th child in his family of five. Sadly, Kennedy’s father passed on when he was in the first grade. Even when his father was alive, life was not easy for the family, but …
Otieno Naomi Cherry is 15 and is the fourth born in a family of 6. She is a total orphan who with her siblings, are under the care of her Aunt Hellen. Aunt Hellen works hard as a farmer to …
While on their trip, Stacey and Sandy visited the farm of Sylvano, who is one of the original farmers P4P trained. Sylvano is a retired teacher and was enrolled in a P4P poultry program. In this program P4P makes an …
A key to moving from a subsistence farmer, to one who can provide for family and have crops to sell and realize income, is learning new techniques that produce greater yields. P4P’s farmer training program does just that and is …
There was excitement all around as Stacey and Sandy met with five of P4P’s newest scholarship students and their parents on Day Two of their recent trip to Kenya. Like youngsters everywhere the new students have dreams! One girl wants …
Day One of Stacey and Sandy’s visit to Kenya included a meeting with the area’s new Sub County, Minister of Health, Samuel Oketch, along with several of department heads. His refreshing message was one of cooperation, sharing information, and building …
P4P Meets with New Kenyan Sub County Minister of Health Read More »
Sandy and Stacey met with the Primary Education Headmasters of the Kopanga and Giribe Schools. This group of headmasters makes up the local Kenyan Education Committee that makes recommendations to the P4P Education Committee to determine which students should receive …
Primary School Headmasters’ Meeting Highlights Big Changes in Kenyan Education System Read More »
The community of Nyanganira had a pump first installed in 1993 through a Kenyan government program. Unfortunately, there was no foresight into managing repairs. So, by 2015 they did still have the pump – but it didn’t’ work because of …
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